Monday 22 August 2016

Acidity Problem? Use Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity

The digestive organs are a huge contributor to health of an individual. Proper functioning of the digestive system assures that the nutrients, vitamins and minerals from the food are absorbed into the blood and the person develops a strong immune system.

Whenever the stomach stops to perform properly it puts a stress on the digestive organs and the body starts to show signs of distress. Gastric complications are a result of malfunctioning of the digestive system. The faulty working may be because of lack of pancreatic enzymes, an infection, a chronic gastric condition, acid base imbalance in the stomach, lack of adequate digestive juices, and many other reasons. But this acid base imbalance in the body leads to production of gas, chest burning, discomfort in the esophagus and stomach region, nausea, uneasiness, restlessness and vomiting. 
Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity
Ayurvedic Medicine For Acidity
The proteins, carbohydrates and proteins that are present in the food are assimilated with the help of the enzymes secreted by the pancreas. What will happen if the pancreatic enzymes are lesser in quantity and the hydrochloric acid levels start to increase in the body? When the stomach starts to load up on the acid level it starts to feel the beginnings of discomfort and we call the condition as acidity or hyperacidity. This distorts the working of the digestive system and the person cannot obtain the essential nutrients and minerals contained in the diet. The person often feels embarrassed because of the constant passing of wind and belching. A feeling of bloatedness and flatulence can make the person very agitated and on edge, and a dirty taste in the mouth makes a person disgusted.

A healthy digestion makes the person feel energetic and full of vitality. People suffering from acidity and hyperacidity often feel sluggish and lethargic. The digestive system also contributes the liver and intestines, if there is a malfunctioning in these, then also the proper digestion of food is effected and the body shows symptoms of gas and acidity.

Generally, the person resorts to antacids and laxatives in the conventional modes of treatments. These may provide temporary relief from acidity symptoms but the moment the medications are stopped the signs and discomfort reappears after a while. Alteration of the diet and lifestyle is a must to keep the digestive system in order. Fried and spicy food stuffs that contain extra chilies need to be avoided at all costs and exercise needs to be introduced in everyday routine. There are home remedies for this condition and food products like ginger, garlic, fennel, asafetida, cinnamon, and cardamom need to be added to the food to make it less gaseous.

After a thorough research of ayurveda, Baba Ramdev has developed a herbal combination called Divya Avipattikara Churna that helps in conditions like acid reflux. He also prescribes the use of Divya Mukta Sukti Bhasm that helps in controlling the excessive production of stomach acids and help in treating the person.

Baba Ramdev’s Divya Moti Pisti , is an outstanding herbal concoction that also helps in improving acidic conditions in the body. This ayurvedic medicine for acidity helps in reducing acid reflux, acidity and hyperacidity. Stress and tension is one of the main contributory factors in agitating digestive and stomach conditions. Divya Udara Kalpa churna prepared by Baba Ramdev also helps balance the increasing acid levels in the stomach and also encourages the intestines and stomach to carry out proper digestion.
Location: United Kingdom


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