Wednesday 18 May 2016

Treating Menorrhagia The Ayurvedic Way

Known as Rakta Pradara in Ayurveda; Menorrhagia refers to the particular menstrual disorder wherein the women are affected with irregular, prolonged and heavy bleeding. Abdominal pain and frequent menstruation with blood clots are the ill effects of this disease. Women suffering from this problem usually complain of cramping too. 

Ayurvedic Medicines for Menorrhagia

Factors responsible for Menorrhagia – This disease may occur due to the following major reasons:

a. Uterine fibroids

b. Abnormal pregnancy (i.e., miscarriage, ectopic)

c. Hormonal imbalance, i.e. particularly estrogen and progesterone.

d. Pelvic inflammatory disease 

e. Infection, tumors, or polyps in the pelvic cavity

f. Bleeding or platelet disorders

g. High levels of prostaglandins, i.e. the chemical substances that help to control the muscle contractions of the uterus

h. Certain birth control devices (i.e., intrauterine devices, or IUDs)

Symptoms of Menorrhagia – Women suffering from this disease are usually seen with spotting or bleeding during pregnancy and between menstrual periods. Prolonged and heavy bleeding are the signs of this disease that needs to be controlled with apt treatments.

Treatment – Different treatment methods are utilized by the women that suffer from this disease. The conventional medicines sometimes put adverse effects. That’s where Ayurvedic System of Medicine comes to the help of the sufferers.

The following formulations act as strong Ayurvedic Medicines for Menorrhagia – 

a. Chandan
b. Dhatki pushpa
c. Doorva mool
d. Lodhra
e. Mochras
f. Manjishtha
g. Nagkesar
h. Shatavari
i. Ashoka
j. Heerabol 
k. Jaharmohra pischti
l. Praval pischti
m. Tuvari bhasm
n. Trin kaant mani pischti
o. Chandra kala ras

Ayurvedic System of Medicines recommends the following for treating Menorrhagia in natural manners:

a. Taking pomegranate tree leaves with rice by making their paste is much helpful for this disease. 

b. Use of Marigold flower juice also acts like a powerful Ayurvedic Medicine for Menorrhagia.

c. Minerals taken in the powder form also work wonders. 

d. Sufficient intake of moong dal, wheat and ghee are also good for the sufferers.

e. Taking milk by boiling it with fennels seeds, ginger, black pepper or cardamom also helps in treating the disease in effective manners.

f. Use of banana, sugarcane juice, grapes and jack fruit is also much helpful for getting rid of this problem.

g. Simple yoga and other physical activities also help the women that suffer from Menorrhagia. 

h. Ayurveda suggests staying away from heavy work.

i. Sufficient rest is also a must for the suffering women that are affected with this disease.

j. Avoiding travelling and going out in the sun is also suggested for the women that are challenged with this disease.

k. Rich diets also act as effective Ayurvedic Medicines for Menorrhagia. Women affected with this problem are advised to include goat milk, amla, ghee and rice gruel in their daily foods. Staying away from hot and spicy foods is good for the sufferers.

l. It is recommended that the women affected with this problem may avoid sexual intercourse. They should use pillow and the bed-foot may be raised a little.  that

Why use Ayurvedic Medicines for Menorrhagia – These treatments do not affect the patients in any adverse manners. No harmful elements are ever included in these medicines and the users are at zero risk.
Location: United Kingdom


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